Our Core Values

  • Sportsmanship.

    We always salute and thank your opponent at the end of each bout, regardless of whether we win or lose. We also show respect to our teammates, opponents, coaches, and the officials by following instructions, allowing others to finish their thoughts before responding, and respecting personal space.

  • Innovation.

    We embrace original thought and creativity. We are trailblazers who strive to go against the mold. We allow our curiosity to show us new ways of thinking, learning, and interacting with the world.

  • Self-Determination.

    We are courageous leaders. We take control of our future with urgency and actively pursue what we want in life. We take initiative to achieve our goals and fulfill our potential.

  • Unity.

    We embrace a community-centered mindset. We can rely on each other and do our best to enhance our collective well-being. We find strength in helping each other.

  • Excellence.

    We strive for excellence in sport, academics and all arenas. We find joy and satisfaction in hard work. We take pride in our effort. We do our best and that's what counts.

  • Resilience.

    We believe that we can do anything we put our minds to if we believe in ourselves and commit time and effort into achieving our goals. This includes pushing through setbacks and testing our limits. We are intentional about maintaining a positive attitude despite challenges and negative emotions. We promise to be curious about what we can achieve and push our boundaries, both athletically and academically.